Peru, aug 14 - sep 14, sep 23 & sep 24, 2012

Peru has so many interesting pre-Incan and Incan sites and beautiful architecture dating back to the Spanish colonial times that we had to focus our visit to the southern part of the country, or, as some call it, the gringo trail :). Machu Picchu is simply breath-taking, Cusco and Arequipa have their own colonial charm. We loved our day-trip through the Sacred Valley and the home stay in Karina on lake Titicaca.

  1. Puno
  2. Karina
  3. Puno
  1. Cusco
  2. Aguas Caliente (Machu Picchu)
  3. Cusco
  1. Arequipa
  2. Nazca
  3. Lima

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Aguas Caliente (Machu Picchu)